Flash Card 128MX+SPI Flash Card 128MX+SPI(Order Number: 498)

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Flash Card 128MX+SPI Flash Card 128MX+SPI(Order Number: 498)

Postby skaboytd » Thu Sep 05, 2013 3:06 am

So the unit has finally arrived, Yeah!

Now the bad news it does not seem to work.

When I insert the cartridge and start up I get the initial
"Produced by or under license from Sega Enterprises LTD."
then the system goes to a black screen and that is it.
If I hold down the A B C buttons I get the boot loader message but if a hit the A or B button to continue it goes to a black screen and that is it.

I have tried the unit in two different style Sega Genisis units and get the same results on both units.

I have tried a couple of different SD cards also with the same results.

The unit came with no documentation and my Russian sucks so I am trying to figure it out.

Any help I can get with this would be great. It took like a month and a half to get here and I really want to get it up and going


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Re: Flash Card 128MX+SPI Flash Card 128MX+SPI(Order Number:

Postby admin » Fri Sep 06, 2013 9:11 am

So the unit has finally arrived, Yeah!

Now the bad news it does not seem to work.

When I insert the cartridge and start up I get the initial
"Produced by or under license from Sega Enterprises LTD."
then the system goes to a black screen and that is it.
If I hold down the A B C buttons I get the boot loader message but if a hit the A or B button to continue it goes to a black screen and that is it.

I have tried the unit in two different style Sega Genisis units and get the same results on both units.

I have tried a couple of different SD cards also with the same results.

The unit came with no documentation and my Russian sucks so I am trying to figure it out.

Any help I can get with this would be great. It took like a month and a half to get here and I really want to get it up and going

Hmmmm, do you have Altera Byte Blaster or same?

I'm already have new device core and new device firmware. You must upgrade device core and firmware, first - burn core (need altera byte blaster), second - upgrade firmware (only console and SD card need).

You must make this steps to resolve problem:

1. Download and install Altera MAXII programmer.
2. Connect Altera Byte Blaster to USB and to IDC10 (JP50) connector (make shure that you have good connection). Insert InDRIVE Card into console.
3. Then open New device core in programmer software (file->open "2_05.pof"), check all checkboxes on "Program/Configure", "Verify", "Blank check", "Security bit", select you programming hardware by button "Hardware setup".
Turn on console (console use only as card power supply), burn new core into InDRIVE (just push Start button in programming software).
4. Turn off console, disconnect altera byte blaster.
5. Download lastest firmware from this page (ver 2.18, but already 2.19 lastest and in few days upgrade will be avaliable).
6. Upgrade device firmware on you console.
7. Play games and make fun with InDRIVE :).

P.S. I'm sorry for this problem... :oops:

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Re: Flash Card 128MX+SPI Flash Card 128MX+SPI(Order Number:

Postby skaboytd » Fri Sep 06, 2013 10:31 am

Hmmmm, do you have Altera Byte Blaster or same?

I'm already HAVE a have device core and new device firmware. You must upgrade device core and firmware, first - burn core (need altera byte blaster), second - upgrade firmware (only console and SD card need).

I'm sorry for this problem...
I Do not have the Altera Byte Blaster or a compatible cable lying around. Even if I did I am not sure I would be comfortable flashing the core on the unit. It is one thing to do an SD flash a whole other issue to have to add a header to the system and flash the core (good way to brick the board) Any other Ideas on why it is not working and how I can fix it?


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Still not working

Postby skaboytd » Tue Sep 17, 2013 12:46 am

OK, so the unit is still not working.

What should I do from here?

I really want to get this issue resolved.

Please get back to me A.S.A.P.


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Postby skaboytd » Fri Sep 27, 2013 7:59 am

Well I followed your instructions and reprogrammed the unit. Happy to report the unit is up and running! Just starting to play with it. Is there a documentation file in English for the unit?


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Black Screen

Postby skaboytd » Fri Sep 27, 2013 8:02 pm

Spoke to soon!

Testing the unit out last night and it seemed to be working OK. Loaded a few cartridges in and out, sometimes getting errors but it was kind of working. After a bit the unit stopped working and now all I get is a black screen. I hooked it back up to the programmer this morning and repeated the procedure you suggested. still just getting a black screen.

I really need help on this!

What should I try next?
